Going Home Again

        Some of the Kobbe kids have been back to Panama and written about the experience. Other Brats and Zonians have also shared their return experiences. The change of power from the United States to Panama has made a big difference in some places and none in others. Much change is due to economic growth in Panama and growing international interest. In all, the Kobbe-Balboa we knew is gone! We left, time progressed, we aged, and the old places changed too. The surprise was in the changes occurring as US support was removed. But we were artificial communities built with government money for canal and shipping support and not on a carefully developed economy. So abandonment and disrepair and alteration and destruction are what we might expect when the money stopped. But the land is still the same and the beauty is still there. Everyone talks of the feel, the smells, the ambiance, being the same.  The Panamanian people I have written still have warm hearts.  Now I want to see if we can go back home.

In August of 2004 Allan Hawkins of Panama City, Panama visited my former home, Quarters 568. He sent me these photos.

Link to the past

¡Gracias, Allan!

Panama Pacifico Removes Quarters 568 and many more ....

Google Earth Images

July 2011----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May 2013